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AMD Turion 64 Mobile technology MT-40 - TMSMT40BQX5LD基本资料
类别:CPU 制造商:AMD
家族:Turion 64 Mobile technology 产品:AMD Turion 64 Mobile technology MT-40 - TMSMT40BQX5LD
类型 CPU / Microprocessor
细分市场 Mobile
系列 AMD Turion 64 Mobile technology
型号    MT-40
CPU 编号
  • TMSMT40BQX5LD is an OEM/tray microprocessor
频率    2200 MHz
总线速度    One 800 MHz 16-bit HyperTransport link
时钟倍频器    11
封装 754-pin lidless organic micro-PGA
1.57" x 1.57" (4 cm x 4 cm)
接口 接口 754
发布时间 Aug 22, 2005
指导价格 $359
架构 / 微体系结构
微体系结构 K8
处理器内核    Lancaster
Core stepping    SH-E5
制造工艺 0.09 micron silicon-on-insulator (SOI) technology
114 million transistors
模具尺寸 115mm2
数据位宽 64 bit
The number of cores 1
线程数 1
浮点单元 Integrated
1级缓存大小    64 KB 2-way set associative instruction cache
64 KB 2-way set associative data cache
2级缓存大小    1 MB 16-way set associative exclusive cache
Physical memory 1 TB
Virtual memory 256 TB
多重处理 Uniprocessor
  • MMX instructions
  • Extensions to MMX
  • 3DNow! technology
  • Extensions to 3DNow!
  • SSE / Streaming SIMD Extensions
  • SSE2 / Streaming SIMD Extensions 2
  • SSE3 / Streaming SIMD Extensions 3
  • AMD64 / AMD 64-bit technology   
  • EVP / Enhanced Virus Protection   
  • PowerNow!
  • Deeper Sleep state   
集成显卡 None
Memory controller The number of controllers: 1
Memory channels: 1
Channel width (bits): 64
Supported memory: DDR-200, DDR-266, DDR-333, DDR-400 [1]
Maximum memory bandwidth (GB/s): 3.2 [1]
Other peripherals HyperTransport interface (1 link)
V核    1.2V
Maximum operating temperature    95°C
热设计功耗    25 Watt
Notes on AMD Turion 64 MT-40
[1] - Information is not confirmed
其它cpu Part Number